Monday, April 26, 2010

Mt. Diablo Century

Despite having done several 3-hour rides since Mulholland, I've been taking it pretty easy overall in the last two weeks. Two days before Diablo I went out for a spin and came back 3 hours later with 50 miles on the ole odometer, which put me in a very confident mood.

Reuben and I decided to ride the Diablo Century unsupported, since it features half the climbing of Mulholland Challenge or Breathless Agony. We didn't think there would be much challenge to 100 miles and 6500 feet of climbing now that we're joining the ranks of the KOM riders. After a stellar first 50 miles that featured a speedy ascent of Morgan Territory and some pacelining to Sunol, things took a turn for the worse.

Realizing we'd forgotten sunscreen and had become a bit hungry from killing it through the first half, we stopped at a store for supplies. Upon returning to the route we missed a turn and ended up riding 6 miles down a valley road into a nasty headwind. By the time we'd retraced our steps back to Sunol, we'd wasted an hour and become noticeably fatigued. Nearly 3 hours later, we followed the wrong marker up a 15% grade. More fun. Sun blazing down on our burnt faces, we crossed the finish 9 hours in with an on-the-bike average of 14.3mph. Bring on the Chipotle and alcohol!

The Diablo Century was an often beautiful, but deceptively difficult event. Hopefully that will translate to the perfect final training ride before Breathless Agony this coming weekend.

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